These things will surely make your Matric and Intermediate results 2022 Awesome?
The main objective of the kpk Board is to carry and conduct all examinations concerning Secondary School Certificate, Intermediate, Classical Languages, and such other exams as could also be assigned by the Controlling Authority / Government of Pakistan, all altered Boards of kpk.

Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Board conducts matric and intermediate exams every year. A large number of candidates of matric and intermediate classes sit in these exams every year. The final Kpk board exams usually start within the month of March and end in April while the results of Kpk BISE are announced in the month of July and August every year. The swat board result 10th class of the Kpk board is usually announced in July on a yearly basis, while the Kpk board’s intermediate result is announced at the end of August or the start of September per year. Results of all the classes are also published on the official website of the Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education BISE. On this time of pandemic coronavirus, when the Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education’s results of matric part (I and II) and intermediate part (I and II) are announced, there’s a ceremony at the office of the Kpk Board where medals and other awards are given to the position holder students.
For the session 2022, the Kpk Board result 2022 has been delayed significantly due to the impact of the pandemic COVID-19, which also forced the cancellation of the final Intermediate Result of the Kpk Board. Following this, the Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education came up with a good evaluation policy which was want to assess students on the behalf of their performance in previous grades and pre-board exams, and other tests, etc. The Kpk Board’s result of SSC and HSSC 2022 is declared today is predication on this formula. Now, students who were registered for HSSC Kpk BISE Exams of Kpk Board can head over to the official website to search their individual PSEB swat board result Fsc 2022 online. The Kpk BISE intermediate Result 2022 has been declared officially and made available only online to make sure that students don’t get to step outside to see their performance.

Awesome Services Providing by Kpk Board BISE
The awesome Services of the Kpk Boards are as follows:
• Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education holds and conducts examinations concerning Pakistani and Classical Languages, and such other examinations as determined by all boards of Kpk government of Pakistan.
• To accord, refuse or debit recognition to the Institutes of Educations of Punjab, Pakistan.
• To lay down conditions for appointment to varied final exams held by the Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education for SSC and HSSC exams.
• Kpk Government grants certificates and diplomas to successful students of these classes.
• Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education demand, fix and receive a fee as could be prescribed by the Kpk Government.
• To award scholarships, medals, and prizes to position holders by the Kpk government.
• To promote and organize extra activities like mural by Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education for matric and inter exams.
• Kpk Board creates posts and appoints such staff as could also be considered necessary for the aim of its figures and functions; as long as a post in Bs-17 or above, shall be created with the previous approval of the Controlling Authority of the Punjab Government.
• Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education makes provision for building’s premises, apparatus, books, furniture, and other means required for completing the needs of the Act by the Government of Punjab.
Syllabus by Kpk Government for Matric and Intermediate Exams
The Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education announced it had decided to scale back the final exams for matric and intermediate classes, for the year 2022. The syllabus of the Kpk Board for all the subjects has been reduced by 40% to 50% by the Kpk Government, the Kpk BISE and said, adding that all board has prepared the syllabus in a way where necessary topics from all subjects are included only. The syllabus has been prepared for a period of almost six months from September to February while final board exams for matric and intermediate classes also be conducted from an equivalent smart syllabus by the Kpk Board of intermediate and secondary education.

The news comes a few days after the Centre announced that Kpk’s educational institutes across the country will reopen from September 15, 2022. The Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education has prepared the revised schedule for the matric class final examination 2022. The Kpk Board’s matric class exams date is July 29, 2022.
The Kpk Board Chairman Committee issued the tentative date sheet of Kpk Board matric and intermediate exams 2022. Consistent with the latest news, the annual Kpk BISE SSC and HSSC exams. However, the annual exams of the Kpk Board’s 9th Class begin from Sept 2022. The Kpk Board Committee of Chairman PBCC issued a valid date sheet for BISE Kpk matric and intermediate exams 2022. The other Kpk boards include BISE Lahore, BISE Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Bahawalpur, Sargodha, Gujranwala, DG Khan, Multan, and Sahiwal will additionally follow this Kpk Board of intermediate and secondary education final date sheet. But all Kpk boards will follow an equivalent date sheet until the Kpk Board Authority changes it. We’ll share the finalized date sheet after receiving any news from the Kpk Board education department. Till then, students must keep patience to see their Kpk Board intermediate final result.
Due to the rapid increase in pandemic COVID-19, the Kpk board final exams of matric and intermediate 2020 got canceled by the government. But this year due to coronavirus, the Education Minister of Kpk issued the final date sheet of matric and intermediate exams 2022. The syllabus of all the subjects has been reduced by 40% to 50%, the Kpk Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education and said, adding that the Kpk Board has prepared the smart syllabus in a way where necessary topics from all elective subjects, not from the compulsory subject because in this year due to Pandemic of COVID-19 Kpk Government skip the compulsory subjects and exams are taken from elective subjects for Kpk Board matric and intermediate class 2022