How to get good marks in exams in less time?
Many students study very hard and give their best efforts as board examinations approach near but are unable to complete their complete syllabus and forget most of their coursework as they don’t imply any proper strategy and gain less marks in their board and annual examinations.
Students need to remember that board achievers and toppers do not gain success by simply going through all study material as they prepare a proper study plan and implement certain timetable or strategy to achieve their goals and targets of high marks in less time. Students can apply various tips and strategies as follows
Leave No Subject Behind.
Whenever examinations approach near many students often study and revise their most important subjects and leave or give no importance towards their art subjects which comprise and contribute towards their total marks in their board examinations.
Students should focus on science subjects like chemistry, biology, physics, mathematics as well as art subjects like Pakistan studies, English, Urdu among others.
Study for 8 Hours
Students who want to prepare for their upcoming examinations in less time need to understand that the only way they will be able to cover their huge syllabus is to focus on their studies completely but they should remember to break down their study hours in small parts like breaking down 8 hours in 4 parts of 2 hours. Students should also remember to take small breaks of 10 -15 minutes in between these 2 hours which will greatly help in enhancing their retained memory of the subject and giving them energy boost as well.
Eat Healthy Food
Students who become achievers are often who maintain a proper healthy diet by eating various memory enhancing foods like almonds, fruits, eggs, oatmeal etc. The students brain memory retention functions gets food by having a proper diet thereby giving them more energy for longer study sessions therefore students should avoid junk food and limit their caffeine intake to improve their focus and memory retention.
Study Coursework Guides Resources Online
Students these days can utilize various online resources related to their coursework and gain significant advantage without attention long hours at the academy and wasting their money. Students by going through various guides online can easily gain better understanding of their coursework that they might have missed and gain the upper hand in their board exams.
Have Clean Study Place
Students who wish to ace their upcoming board examination must remember that having a cleaner and organized study place greatly helps students to focus their attention towards their studies without distracting them.
Students must try to tidy up their study table or room so that their entire focus is on revising coursework without any distractions.
Implement Study Plan
Students can only gain high marks in less time if they plan and prioritize their subjects revisions accordingly. Students must start with subjects that they easily finish in less time in order to give more time to tough or difficult subjects which they need to revise more.
By finishing easy subject sooner than later students will have more time at hand to revise their difficult and important questions that they believe have trouble remembering rather than spend time on easy subjects and fail to complete their revisions of important and compulsory subjects.
Have Short Study Breaks
It has been proven by science that having small study breaks greatly improves memory retention of students as their brain processes the data from small term memory towards long term memory which is why study breaks play a significant part in students revision.
Students who take study breaks more often than those who do not are more energized and are successful in completing their coursework revision in comparison to those who do not implement study breaks.
Solve Past Papers
Students can gain a higher edge among their competition if they go through and solve their previous five to ten year board examination papers and try to attempt then and compare their results with solved past papers in order to have better understanding and idea of their board examination preparation for the future.
Make Important Coursework Notes
Students can create small important notes for themselves as they revise their coursework subjects like highlighting certain MCQ, paragraphs that they think are more important than the rest.
Students must ensure that they make small one line descriptions in order for them to process the information easily without wasting their time reading the whole section or paragraph again.
Don’t Overdo Revision On Exam Day
Many students in order to gain more marks start revision many chapters and coursework on their exam day or just some hours before exam but they need to understand that this approach does not help them as they start forgetting rather than improving their retention of important subjects and coursework.
Students are recommended not to do revision of their entire coursework before 3 to 4 hours and only go through those sections of coursework that they believe they need serious revision otherwise they could fail their board examination.