How Can I Prepare Myself for NTS Test?
National Testing Service (NTS) is an organization in Pakistan that administers academic accomplishment appraisement tests. It is similar to Educational Testing Service (ETS) which is an organization in the United States. There are two basic types of test, First is the National Aptitude Test (NAT) and the second is Graduate Assessment Test (GAT). NAT is aimed at candidates seeking acceptance to colleges and universities. GAT is aimed at graduates seeking acceptance to postgraduate education. NTS exams are additionally acclimated to actuate the abilities of students seeking advanced study abroad. This is the complete guide on How can I Prepare Myself for NTS Test?
NTS test is compulsory to get admission in HEC acclimatized colleges and universities, job vacancies, and merit-based scholarships in Pakistan. All tests of NTS are MCQs-based. These online tests including:
· NAT-IE (pre-engineering)
· NAT –IA (arts group)
· NAT-ICS (computer science group)
· NAT –IGS (general science group)
· NAT-11 (Management science group)
· NAT -11 (physical science group)
· NAT -11 (oriental and Islamic studies group)
The tests are conducted in the fields of engineering, arts and humanities, pre-medical, accustomed science, computer science, and commerce.
There are 90 MCQS in NAT-1 paper and the time constancy of NAT-1 paper is 2 hours (120 minutes). There are 100 MCQs in the NAT-11 paper and the time duration for this test is two hours. There is no negative appearance in the NTS test.
Which Students Administer for NTS?
The Candidates who have done their HSSC with at least 50% Marks and additionally those who are waiting for their results can apply. The applicants who have done their graduation can additionally administer this trial.
NTS GAT General Test
Graduate Assessment Teat (GAT) General is a test advised by NTS for appraisal of candidates for acceptance in MS/MPhil, scholarship, and recruitments.
GAT General Test consists of three parts:
· Verbal reasoning
· Quantitative reasoning
· Analytical reasoning
The allocation of each part varies in test depending on the purpose of test or disciplines of acceptance if it is attempted for seeking acceptance in MS/MPhil.
Preparation for Verbal Reasoning (English)
This allotment is designed to appraise your grammatical ability and vocabulary with commendations to its actual usage. The questions include:
Correct acceptance of verb, adverb, affiliation, and prepositions in sentences
· Synonyms and Antonyms
· Analogies
· Tense accompanying questions
· Question on paragraph, title, and words to relate in abutting meaning
Preparation for Quantitative Reasoning (Mathematics)
· Arithmetic’s question
· Percentages
· Ratio and Proportion
· Simple Algebra
· Simple geometry
Preparation for Analytical Reasoning
Analytical reasoning allotment is designed to appraise your analytical skills, mental sharpness, and situation processing skills. You are accustomed to assertive facts and rules. You are asked to activate the facts by applying rules.
Preparation for NTS NAT Analysis
National Aptitude Test (NAT) is a test advised by NTS for acceptance in an educational institution. NAT test has altered types depending upon the accumulation of subjects for admission.
NAT analysis has the following two major types:
NAT — I (for candidates having 12 years of education)
NAT — II (for candidates having 14 years of education)
The test consists of four parts:
· Verbal (English)
· Quantitative reasoning
· Analytical Reasoning
· Subject Knowledge
Preparation for Verbal (English)
Verbal allotment of the test assesses candidates based on their ability of grammar and actual acceptance of vocabulary. The questions abide of:
· Usage of words in sentences
· Antonyms and synonyms
· Analogies
· Paragraphs based questions
· Tense accompanying questions
Preparation for Quantitative Allotment
Quantitative allotment includes simple arithmetic questions. It covered from Math’s book of class eight, nine, and ten. The question includes:
· Easy addition
· Percentages
· Ratio and proportion
· Simple Algebra
· Simple Geometry
Preparation for Analytical Allotment
Analytical allotment assesses your analytical and situation processing skills. You have accustomed a set of facts and some rules. You have to process the facts according to the accustomed rules.
Preparation for Subject Allotment
The question of subject allotment is from your concerned subject. Some rules for NTS preparation as follow:
1. Study your subject book with abounding concentration to apprentice each topic conceptually.
2. During preparation, have a pencil and accentuate facts and figures in your subject which can be asked in the test. It will advise you in learning as well as in altering them.
3. Focus on the specific information such as definition, terminologies, data, name of scientist and scholars, capital assumptions of theories and accomplish in processes.
4. Besides your advanced book, study some MCQs books for your course. It offers you all the MCQs extracts from your subject.
5. Revise your course books several times.
NTS Test Form
The Participation forms are accessible on the NTS Websites and can be downloaded from their website. The forms will be accessible for both National Aptitude and Graduate Assessment. NTS Job Forms are additionally accessible on the official website of NTS.
How to Fill the NTS Forms?
A few things that must be clear to you before you fill in the NTS form. Any incomplete or ambiguous advice in the form may cause adjournment in the registration process and you may not be able to take the analysis on time. The instructions to fill the NTS form are as follows:
1. If the application form is in type-able form, fill NTS application form and print it. Otherwise use black ink and BLOCK LETTERS to fill out the NTS form.
2. Download the appropriate analysis NTS application form.
3. Be accurate with the spellings of your name.
4. Write the accord/mailing address correctly where you can be contacted in the future.
5. Also indicate your best for the city, where you want to take the test out of the options accessible to you.
6. Two passport size photographs are added at appropriate places on the form.
7. Original Bank Deposit Slip
8. Copy of Original CNIC
9. Fulfill added requirements, if any.
How to Submit NTS Form?
After you fill the form according to the instructions, accelerate your form through any courier service or mail:
1. Two copies of the applicant’s recent photographs
2. Written applicant’s name in the BLOCK LETTERS
3. Written applicant’s father’s name in BLOCK LETTERS
4. Written applicant’s National Identity Card number
5. Written applicant’s postal address in BLOCK LETTERS
6. Written contact number.
Documents That are Necessary at the Test Center?
Documents that are necessary at the NTS Test Center are as follows:
1. Roll Number slip
2. Candidate’s Original CNIC
3. Candidate’s Original Passport
4. Original B. Form (In case if the applicant is less than 18 years of age)
Original NADRA token slip.